In 1969, Yogi Bhajan arrives in LA

In 1969, Swami Satchidananda opens at the Woodstock Music Festival in New York.

In 1969, Swami Rama arrives in Chicago.
Swami Satchidananda opens at the Woodstock Festival in New York
Yogi Bhajan arrives in LA
Swami Rama arrives in Chicago, and is hosted by Amritji in 1971, giving lectures at the Yoga Society of PA

In 1977, after multiple requests from his disciple Yogi Amrit Desai, Swami Kripalu decides to visit the United States. He is so touched by the love and devotion of the American spiritual seekers that he decides to stay for 4 years.
Swami Kripalu accepts an invitation from his foremost disciple, Shri Amritji, to visit America. He is so touched by the love and devotion of the spiritual followers in America that he decides to stay 4 years before returning to India

In 2001, Yogi Amrit Desai moves to Salt Springs, FL and opens the Amrit Yoga Institute where he continues to refine and adapt his teachings to a modern audience.
Shri Amritji founds the Amrit Yoga Institute where he continues to live and teach today